Orlando Halloween Weekend With Friends and Ellie The Empress

Halloween weekends are just the best; you never know what to expect, and when it comes, it is something goofy and crazy but super creative. This is exactly what Ellie's Halloween weekend would be like, if not better.
First is the makeup. Goofy and crazy is the theme. Her makeup artist really outdoes herself self with the face painting, a simple red tone with black, and it is something you can almost miss with the first look, but once you see it, it can't go away. That is all for simplicity. The costume really does steal the show. The costume is a full outfit that comes with a pair of socks, wristbands, and a stylish neck choker. The top is an off-shoulder bracelet with a cartoonish touch and look. It is greyish-whitish with a doll-like red addition. The bottom gives a very exaggerated hourglass look. The costume is both sexy and quite a scene to look at. Sexy because it is typically what Ellie The Empress would pick. Cracy and goofy match the Halloween vibe. Everything seems in place.
Before stepping out, Elie shares her newly rented place where she will be making content. It is a simple setup, with barely a finished hallway, as there are evident work materials. All the same, Ellie The Empress has done great work setting up a personal studio and ring light where she would be making those contents. There is a little wiggly dance, flirty here and there, and the room is well set.
See More: Ellie The Empress Videos and Pics
But again, where is the fun without tagging along with friends to step out for the real Halloween weekend vibe? Ellie The Empress is with her two girlfriends, equally dressed for the Halloween event. They step out into the Wall Street place where the crowd will be meeting up for the ceremonial event. Everyone seems hyped and well-dressed for the event. Ellie Ensley seems to be killing it, and she and her girls seem to be attracting a lot of attention towards them. Few shots here and there, and it is another one well spent weekend night. The girls have to walk back to the apartment. Everyone seems to have really had a good moment. Sure enough, there was not much content shot during this video, and it seems it is just one of those where Ellie records her normal day activities and how she catches up with friends.